Resolutions & Rhythms

By: Lisa Marie Koebcke

It is that time of year when we all start thinking about how to make this New Year different than the last. You’re a year older, and your mind is exploding with ideas! If you are a business owner, your list most likely also consists of how to grow your company, advance your company, and make some much needed improvements and upgrades.

Let’s talk about all of these resolutions a bit. In reality, “resolution” is just another word for objectives or goals, right? That’s an important distinction because New Year’s resolutions (like the ones pictured above) are notorious for never being met. In fact, I read a quote the other day that said,

“My New Year’s Resolution is to achieve my last year’s resolution, which I planned to do the year before that.”

Wow. Overachiever, much? I get it, the list above “quit smoking, find a new job, lose weight, take a trip…etc” is extensive! All of those objectives will take considerable forethought and action in order to mark them completed. So how can you hold yourself accountable this year to being more intentional?

Here is a quick list of suggestions that you can take into consideration when planning your New Year’s Objectives:

  1. Reframe your thinking: New Year’s Resolutions are known for not being met. What can you call your resolutions to change your thinking about them? How about objectives, goals, milestones, or visions? These are just ideas – but remember it’s your life and you make the rules, so have fun with it!

  2. Be Realistic: We suggest looking at year and setting 4-5 big objectives for yourself for the entire year. Taking on too much will feel like a burden and if you don’t meet your objectives, you may feel like you failed which of course is accompanied by a host of other negative emotions.

  3. Break it up: Every one of your big objectives consists of tiny milestones necessary to complete the overall goal. Identify those milestones and write them down. If your objectives are just ideas in your head, they might as well not exist.

  4. Set Rhythms: The year is broken up into 4 even quarters, all 3 months long. Use this structure to help guide when your milestones need to be completed. Each milestone will inevitably have some rhythm that is required to ensure you have time to do the work. Make an actual appointment with yourself daily or weekly that you literally block on your calendar that is dedicated to achieving your milestone. Different milestones will usually require different rhythms – but that is okay – they are temporary and only in place until the milestone is complete!

  5. Be Accountable: Share your plan with someone. Ask that person to hold you accountable to the work you have committed to doing. Try to encourage that someone to implement a similar plan and you can hold each other accountable. Challenge and motivate each other throughout the year. The results will be rewarding!

If you are not this structured or organized in nature, that is okay – these are all suggestions that can be adapted. The key is, find a framework that works for you, and then follow it!

Consistency = Change.