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Be The Presence

Pulse recently finished up the deployment of a rather large project that involved a lot of late nights and a ton of manpower. This blog isn’t about the job itself, but rather a comment that came out of a conversation between Chad and me.... Read More

5 Skills for Managing a Large Project

We have a few really large casino jobs we manage that vary in size. The other day, I was on a job site and my daughter texted to ask how my day was going. I sent her a picture of the media rack I was working on - it was giant. She said, “wow - that looks expensive!” To which I wrote back… "30 million" ... Read More

Time, Talent, and Energy

These three words have come up quite a bit for me recently. In fact, most of your day goes to allocating your time, leveraging your talent, and spending energy. Why are these three things so important? I think they are a huge part of what makes up your potential. Your... Read More

Chew on This

I am going to come right out there and say it… this is sort of a plug for If you have a pet, I highly recommend this site for all your furry friend’s needs because of the amazing experience I had with them this week.... Read More

Find Your Edge

Now more now than ever, it is important to find your edge. That is probably easier said than done but as more and more businesses are having to rely on virtual appointments, standing out and delivering quality service can be difficult.... Read More