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Perceived Value

I think sometimes as business owners, you can forget what it is that creates value. This was a hot topic in our house and around the office this week as we had a personal reminder of the “illusion of value”.... Read More

When the Best Isn't Good Enough

I heard someone say the other day that sometimes as a leader you have to realize your best isn’t what your team needs. It took me a few hours to process as I replayed the sentence over and over again. I couldn’t decide at first if I agreed but after some time, I realized I couldn’t agree more. ... Read More

The Intangibles

What we don’t market and advertise are the intangibles. The experience and service that takes your business to the next level.... Read More

Number 1 and Number 2... Duh.

The hardest learned lesson I share from my previous adventures is a conversation around billing.... Read More

Every Little Detail Counts

As you know, we are slowly working on our house and in November we started out redoing our garage. Chad and I made a deal that any work that we could do ourselves, we would.... Read More