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On The Front Lines

I was asked to highlight differences and similarities between my career of 23 years as a firefighter and my budding career with Pulse Group. You may think at first there are not a lot of similarities, but as I develop my place at Pulse Group, I have started to see a growing correlation.... Read More

The Details

We just started watching this show called Elementary. It’s a modern-day take on Sherlock Holmes with Lucy Liu as Watson. It’s addicting. It also got me thinking about paying attention.... Read More

How Can I Help You?

The customer is always right, right? No. In fact, not usually. But the truth is the customer pays the bill and we try to keep them happy.... Read More

Time Adds Up

A few seconds isn’t a big deal, but it had me wondering - how much time am I losing each day to small, minuscule tasks that take seconds or even minutes? In reality, that time adds up.... Read More

Self Care During the Holidays

The holiday season is always a hectic time no matter what phase of life you’re in.... Read More